- 罗马数字应用建的是调整问题孩子算法的基础上,目前的技能。
- 罗马数字应用建的是调整问题孩子算法的基础上,目前的技能。
- 该应用允许调整学习强度,重点关注孩子感到最困难的数学运算。
- 采用特殊算法显示学习进度,重点关注学习难度较大的数学运算。
- 通过星型进度条实现学习进度的可视化。这样,您既可以查看个别活动的学习进度,也可以查看整体进度。该算法分别为每种数学运算类型计算进度。此外,它还随当前选择的结果范围和数学运算中所使用数字的范围调整。在该应用的选项中更改设置和学习模式。
- 学习过程中,用数字给课程编号,方便家长掌控孩子所完成的课程数量。
- 罗马数字应用是学习数学的基础知识,现代和友好的方式
- 针对儿童的现代学习方法。
- The Roman Numerals application was built based on algorithms that adapt the questions to the child's current skills.
- The application adapts the learning intensity, focusing on the mathematical operations the child has the most difficulty with.
- A special algorithm showing the learning progress and placing emphasis on the mathematical operations that are more difficult to learn.
- The learning process is visualized using progress stars. This allows you to check both the learning progress for individual activities as well as the overall progress. The algorithm separately calculates the progress for each type of mathematical operation. Additionally, it adapts to the currently selected ranges of results and ranges of numbers used in the mathematical operations. Both settings and the learning mode can be changed in the application's options.
- The learning process is divided into numbered lessons, so that a parent can have control over the number of lessons completed by their child.
- Roman Numerals application is a modern and friendly way to learn the basics of mathematics.
- A modern learning method for children.
Minor fixes
相关TAG: 教育
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