- Display a Virtual Color Fram
- Display a Virtual Color Frame on Your Desktop -
Deskcap 3 is a desktop application that lets you create a virtual frame on your desktop. Imagine a situation where you have to create a desktop movie. If you have a large display like one capable of showing 2,560 points x 1,440 points, you may only need a portion of it, say, 1,440 points x 900 points at the top left corner. In this situation, you can use Deskcap 3 to create a virtual frame so that it will cover the outside of the visible area with a color frame. You can create any number of virtual frames. The application comes with a status menu. In order to set a virtual frame, you can just select one under the status menu.
- What's new? -
1. The application has been re-written from scratch in Swift.
2. The user can now take a screenshot of the visible area of the current frame.
- Features -
1. Create a virtual work area. Save one as a preset.
2. Select one of the two frame types (solid frame or border frame) from application’s status menu. Choose a frame from application’s status menu to set a virtual work area over the desktop area.
3. Set the border width of border frames.
4. Take a screenshot of the visible area of the current frame.
5. Let the application delay in taking a screenshot by counting down numbers.
6. Languages: English only.
7. The application supports the retina display. (tested with 2014 2.6 GHz 13\" MacBook Pro).
8. Application file size: 20.6 MB.
9. The application comes with a built-in 11-page user guide. Click on the button that says 'User's guide' in the Home screen.
- System requirements -
1. 10.13 (tested with 10.13.6), 10.14 (tested with 10.14.6), 10.15 (tested with 10.15.1)
2. 64-bit system
- Limitations -
1. The application is free to use for the first week. Further continuous use of this application will require a one-time purchase of an in-app product.
2. The application window is not resizable. Its size is fixed.
1. When the application shifts from Home to the Desktop Frame screen, it can disable the new frame toolbar button.
相关TAG: 软件开发工具
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